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The elections in the United Kingdom cause a change in British holiday plans


Almost a third of British holidaymakers have changed their plans because of the UK national election, while 15% have planned trips around the Euro and the Olympics, according to a new survey conducted following British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s decision to hold a snap general election on 4 July.

The survey, conducted by Censuswide on behalf of Travel Counsellors, of a sample of 2,000 consumers aged 16 and over on 20 and 21 June, reveals that 85% of people would spend the same or more money on travel next year than last year.

Travel remains the top priority for Brits in terms of spending next year, ahead of other discretionary categories such as fashion, food, home and garden renovations.

Of those surveyed, 16% said they changed their holiday plans to be in the UK during the general election so they could vote in person.

In addition, 14% have changed their plans to be in the country during the campaign period and during the election, given its importance for the UK.

Another 15% have planned their summer holidays around this summer’s major sporting events, namely the Uefa European Football Championships and the Olympics. This was confirmed by Travel Counsellors’ own booking figures, which showed that there was more than double the number of bookings for Germany, which is hosting the Euro, in June.

Commenting on the survey findings, Steve Byrne, Managing Director of Travel Counsellors, said: “Demand for summer holidays and travel remains extremely strong, with our research showing that it remains the top priority in terms of spending for consumers, although this year a significant number of people are making plans around major events such as the Euros, Olympics and national elections.”

He said Travel Counsellors has seen very strong booking and demand trends from consumers in the first half of the year, highlighting the enduring and growing importance of holidays in securing a much-needed getaway and an opportunity to relax.

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