WTTC: Forecast for one million jobs by tourism in 2019 in Greece


In 2018, the tourism and travel sector in Greece grew by 6.9% – at a rate of growth three and a half times higher than the growth rate of the entire national economy, which was 2.0%.

Tourism accounts for 20.6% of Greece’s GDP, compared to 10.4% of the world’s share. This means that one in five euros spent in Greece last year came from the tourism and travel industry, accounting for € 37.5 billion ($ 44.6 billion) of spending.

Also, one quarter of total employment in Greece is based on tourism, which equates to 988,600 jobs. In 2019, this figure is expected to exceed one million jobs, for the first time since the WTTC records the course of Greek tourism.

These data come from the WTTC (Economic Impact Research 2019) Annual Review of the Economic Impact and Social Importance of Tourism.

The survey, which has been conducted for nearly 30 years by the WTTC, representing the global private tourism sector, shows that in 2018 the tourism and travel industry in Greece:

It exceeded the growth rate of tourism and travel in the European Union of 2.4%. Both the total economy of the EU and the Greek economy grew by 2.0%, but the Greek travel sector has risen steadily compared to the European averages.

It was boosted by 18.5 billion euros from the cost of international visitors, accounting for 27.9% of total exports.

Two-thirds of incoming travel expenses in Greece came from international visitors (66%) and one third from inland travel (34%). The bulk of travel expenses was for recreational purposes, 94%, and 6% for business.

The WTTC President and Chief Executive Officer, Gloria Guevara, noted:

“We are extremely impressed by the growth rate of Greek tourism, and the government’s strategies that have given it impetus. The tourism and travel industry had a huge role to play in the recovery of the Greek economy and is a key employer of the Greeks. Greece is an example to illustrate how valuable capital tourism can be when a government gives priority to the industry. ”

The Greek Minister of Tourism, Ms. Elena Kountoura, said:

“Our long-term tourism strategy that we have been implementing since 2015 has led to excellent results in the development of tourism in Greece, and has fundamentally supported the Greek economy in the most difficult times of the crisis.

With the development plan we have set for the next day in Greek tourism, our goal is to maintain Greece’s strong tourist dynamics and maximize its benefits for local communities across the country, recognizing the enormous value of tourism as a major driver strength for employment, economic and social well-being “.

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