
Mallorca: Stop in its promotion | Limits the number of international tourism fairs in which it participates

With Mallorca and the Balearic Islands in general receiving a large number of visitors, which has a significant impact on the natural environment and the quality of life of the inhabitants, they have recently taken matters into their own hands and the local council has announced the restriction of its participation in international tourism fairs. […]

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SOS for the Balearic Islands | They are unable to serve 20 million tourists

The implementation of limits and restrictions on tourist flows welcomed by the Balearic Islands was put on the table by the president of the government of the Spanish island group, Marga Prohens, pointing out that hosting almost 20 million tourists a year is not sustainable. However, he clarified that these restrictions are not against tourism. […]

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Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

New measures to combat over-tourism in Spain | Ban on drinking alcohol in public places

The measure banning the consumption of alcohol in public places between 9.30 pm and 8 am in Mallorca and Ibiza started to be implemented last Saturday, with the Balearic Islands government adding another measure against over-tourism to its quiver. The new decree passed by the Balearic Islands government bans the sale and consumption of alcohol […]

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Balearic Islands: Campaign for tourists to respect the destination

A new advertising campaign aimed at raising awareness among tourists to behave respectfully and responsibly during their holidays in the Balearic Islands has been launched by the Mallorca Island Council together with the Palma City Council. The “Have fun with respect” campaign seeks to make it clear to tourists and locals alike that behaviour such […]

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