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The new actions of ETC and the University of Surrey become the new promotion of tourism


-ETC and the University of Surrey have approved the publication of two children’s books aimed at promoting the importance of tourism to young children. Meanings of sentimental value are spread that make clear the value of tourism and hospitality.

Τhe European Travel Commission (ETC) and the University of Surrey launch the publication of two children’s books: Dee and Flee at the Theme Park by Julia Hubery and Searchlight: The Rock by Ann Bryant. This project seeks to promote tourism jobs to young people as a source to learn socio-emotional skills. This will be achieved through two engaging series of books, aimed at readers aged 5 to 11.

This initiative was conceived as a response to the tourism industry’s staff shortage crisis which emerged following the pandemic. Many actors within the travel sector, from multinational airlines to SMEs, are struggling to attract the workforce necessary to operate their business at the usual capacity. This was felt all over Europe, and had serious implications for the post-Covid recovery of the industry.

With these children’s books, ETC and the University of Surrey aim to increase the visibility of the many skills that one can learn from a job in tourism. Both books follow characters in tourism roles, emphasising their growth in life skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving as they navigate their adventures. The books are being published in conjunction with a research paper by ETC and the University of Surrey on the transferable skills gained by tourism professionals.

Staff shortages in tourism driven by reputational challenges

The background research addresses labour shortages in the travel and hospitality industry by investigating the sector’s reputation for employment and how this can be improved. The researchers found that tourism jobs are frequently perceived as offering lower wages, long working hours, and stressful environments. As a result, young individuals display limited enthusiasm for pursuing a career in this sector.

However, the report also analyses the transferable skills that one can learn through working in tourism and hospitality. It reveals that tourism employees learn key skills such as problem-solving, communication, customer service and multitasking.These findings present a clear opportunity for tourism industry advocates to use the appeal of skills learned in travel and hospitality to improve the sector’s employment image. This could encourage young people to consider working in the industry, thus mitigating the risks of future staff shortage crises. The books should also create a sense of pride in parents working in the tourism sector, which can in turn be passed down to the younger generation.

Laying the groundwork for tomorrow’s skilled tourism workforce

Through this project, ETC and the University of Surrey hope to set the foundations for inspiring a new generation of young people to consider a career in tourism. Both Dee and Flee at the Theme Park and Searchlight: The Rock introduce their young readers to the personal and professional benefits of working in the hospitality and tourism sector through adventurous stories with fun illustrations. They encourage children to think about the day-to-day lives of people working in the travel sector and consider the skills that one can learn through this work experience.

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