-The data are based on Part B of the INSETE study on “The profile of important markets of Greek tourism” for non-European markets, namely the USA, Canada, China, India and Australia.
Australians, Canadians and Americans are the three nationalities outside Europe that rank Greece higher for their holidays when choosing a more distant travel destination. In these three markets, Greek destinations are in the top 15 for travel abroad and are therefore considered to be significantly more promising than other corresponding, distant markets outside Europe, such as China and India, where Greece ranks significantly lower.
The data are based on Part B of the study by the Institute of the Hellenic Tourism Businesses Association (INSETE) on “The profile of important markets of Greek tourism” focusing on the important non-European markets, namely the USA, Canada, China, India and Australia.
The study is the product of an online survey conducted in January-February 2024 by GlobalWebIndex (GWI) to better understand the travel intentions and consumer preferences of potential visitors to Greece from these long-haul markets, which in 2019 and 2023, contributed at least 11% of total inbound tourism revenues. In Part A of the study, the European markets of Germany, the UK and the USA were examined. In Part A, the European markets of Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Spain were examined.
Greece’s position in distant markets: 10th in Australia, 11th in Canada, 12th in the USA.
Specifically, with regard to the countries that the markets under study are considering visiting in the next 12 months, Greece is in 10th place for the Australian market (with 10%), 11th place for the Canadian market (with 8%) and 12th place for the US market (with 9%). It is worth noting, however, that in the US and Canada, the difference in preference between Greece and the countries ahead of it by one or two places is minimal – just 1 percentage point. Regarding the markets of China and India, Greece is outside the top-15, in 33rd and 39th place respectively, as these markets have Asian destinations in their top preference positions. For Americans, Mexico is in first place, for Canadians the USA, for Chinese and Indians Singapore and for Australians New Zealand.
In the next 12 months, 57% of Americans plan to take a holiday abroad, while the rates are much higher in other markets, with Canada at 71%, China at 63%, India at 71% and Australia at 68%.
Holiday planning for those who would prefer to go abroad appears to start early with more than 2 in 3 Indians, Canadians and Australians, and respectively 60% of Chinese and 55% of Americans having started planning for travel in the next 12 months.
Beyond Sun & Sea: Americans, Canadians, Chinese, Indians and Australians choose sightseeing and nature on their holidays
In terms of travel motivations, “enjoyment and relaxation” is the top motivator for the vast majority, from 53% of Indians to 67% of Australians, followed by experiencing a new place or culture with rates between 43% and nearly 50%. For the Chinese the order is reversed with 44% having “experience of a new place or culture” as their main motivation and “enjoyment/relaxation” as their second motivation at 42%.
Regarding the type of holidays abroad in the next 12 months, or the type of holidays in general preferred by the markets under study, it is interesting that the product “Sun and Sea”, as preferred in Greece, does not dominate, but also sightseeing trips or even the preference for nature trips, especially for Indians and Chinese. In particular, the beach is preferred by 32% of Americans, 35% of Canadians, 32% of Chinese, 32% of Indians and 30% of Australians. A trip to see the sights is preferred by 33% of Americans, 33% of Canadians, 23% of Chinese, 25% of Indians and 39% of Australians. A trip to see nature is preferred by 25% of Americans, 28% of Canadians, 38% of Chinese, 43% of Indians and 26% of Australians.
Regarding the duration of the trip in the next 12 months, the preference is mainly for long or medium trips, with 1 in 3 Americans (34%) preferring a trip of more than 7 days, as do more than 4 in 10 Canadians (43%) and 6 in 10 Australians (62%).
Planned expenditure
Specifically, in relation to the amount of holiday spending in the next 12 months, the most prevalent response in the US, Canada and Australia, and marginally China, was that they intend to spend what they usually spend, while in India it was that they intend to spend more. In all five markets, those who said they would spend more are significantly more than those who said they would spend less.
In terms of the amount they are willing to spend on accommodation per night per person (including taxes), there is a large gap downwards that separates Indians from other nationalities. In particular, up to US$110 is what 25% of Americans, 29% of Canadians, 29% of Canadians, 33% of Australians, 55% of Chinese and 81% of Indians are willing to spend. Between USD 111 and 180, 31% of Americans, 36% of Canadians, 25% of Australians, 31% of Chinese and 15% of Indians intend to spend between USD 111 and 180. Similarly, over USD 180, 38% of Americans, 24% of Canadians, 35% of Australians and 13% of Chinese intend to spend.