Enhancing tourism through virtual and augmented experiences| Implementation in Tokyo


-The Tokyo government and Tokyo Convention and Visitors Bureau have created two digital experiences intended to promote the city’s appeal as a tourism destination.

The first is a virtual interactive portal on the Roblox platform called “Hello! Tokyo Friends” – an interactive game experience that is based in a virtual cityscape of Tokyo and has activities such as a treasure hunt, trivia games and other activities.

The second digital product is a new app, Tokyo Hunt, that connects the virtual world on Roblox with the real city of Tokyo. By visiting designated spots with the app, users can collect “emblems” that give them Roblox rewards. The app also has augmented reality so as users tour Tokyo, they can take photos with characters from the virtual Roblox world.

“This blend of real-world exploration and virtual rewards offers a unique way to create and share memories of Tokyo, all through your smartphone,” the partners said in a news release.

“We hope that the interactions on “HELLO! TOKYO FRIENDS” will help to promote Tokyo’s appeal as a tourist city and foster Tokyo fans!”

Tokyo is considered to be at the heart of technological developments and innovation. Bullet trains, robot waiters, and even space-age toilets that play ‘privacy’ noises to mask other unfortunate sounds are all part of day-to-day life in this city of the future. This innovation is being used in tourism and helping it to become more sophisticated.

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