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Promote social media and increase sales through fam travel


Increasing social media engagement and maximizing sales leads can be done through fam travel and choosing the right moves to organize the advertising of the destination or the product in general. Regular public updates and proper social media management can create strong accounts with a corresponding social media audience.

The fam travel method (familiarisation trips) is a new process, which falls within the marketing sector. It enables groups of opinion formers or tourist agents and professionals to get to know the destination and its professionals and then to promote the destination.

Travel blogger Kate Holroyd admits that it’s hard for a traveller to find time to post on social media during their trip, but it’s not unlikely that posts will resonate even if the account doesn’t have many followers. She adds that” “On my last trip to Disneyland Paris, I got double figures in sales leads from my Instagram posts. Likewise on a recent VIVA Cruises Christmas Market showcase, even though I have fewer than 1,000 followers”, accoriding to Travel Gossip.

The top 7 tips for upgrading social media and growing sales:

  1. Publication of  stories with a Call to Action: Addition of link in stories to ‘contact us’ webpage, with a ‘book an appointment’ custom link name. Disclosure tempting offers for the destination with a link on the story to newsletter sign up.
  2. Plan the content: Use the itinerary sent out before the trip to plan the content and collect appropriate videos and photos for publications.
  3. Search for relevant topics: Use tik tok to find relevant content ideas and search for relevant destinations and attractions on the internet, so that it is known if these destinations are popular and if they have an existing audience.
  4. Use of Αrtificial Ιntelligence: Using the tool of Artificial Intelligence to collect ideas regarding destination and ideal customers by getting the most correct data to create reels on instagram.
  5. Finding the right location: Adding the location to the images and videos to increase the views and the reach in which the post will be seen even by people who are just looking for the location.
  6. Adding hashtags: Using relevant location, key topic and branding hashtags on posts is another great way to get them seen by more people.
  7. Use of downtime wisely: On fam trips there is limited time, so collecting photos and gathering B-Roll content helps to use them for the next few months.

Good travel organization helps to frequently post photos and videos of the destination, which boosts viewers and search for the destination.

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