RESEARCH: Hotel customers give positive feedback on reviews | They take them into account before booking


The growing importance of reviews and evaluations when booking a hotel is highlighted by an Accor survey, according to which every hotel customer reads guest reviews before making a reservation.

Based on the survey findings, 97% of hotel customers have consulted guest reviews when they want to book a hotel or resort.

The survey, which was conducted among a sample of 5,000 travellers in five European countries who have stayed at a hotel or resort in the last 12 months, reveals that almost four in ten guests (38%) read guest reviews every time they book and a further 38% most of the time.

Based on the survey findings, 97% of hotel customers have consulted guest reviews when they want to book a hotel or resort.

The survey, which was conducted among a sample of 5,000 travellers in five European countries who have stayed at a hotel or resort in the last 12 months, reveals that almost four in ten guests (38%) read guest reviews every time they book and a further 38% most of the time.

According to the survey, guest reviews and ratings are the second most important factor in the booking decision process, right after rooms and amenities, and outrank criteria such as food and dining options, Wi-Fi/internet connection and health and hygiene standards.

Respondents in all five countries like to check in depth when reading reviews. On average, visitors read nine reviews (8.63) for each hotel or resort they wish to stay at, with those in Poland reading the most (10.58).

The information respondents are most interested in before booking is how clean a hotel is.

When asked to identify three areas they would like to read more about, 52% said cleanliness was the most important factor, followed by value for money (27%), bedrooms (26%), location (21%) and staff friendliness (19%).

Reviews were found to be more important for couples and families than for solo travellers. Of those who read reviews, 85% of those looking to book a trip away with their partner believe that customer reviews are important.

Almost as many (82%) say reviews are important when booking a family holiday. Even when booking a trip on their own, 66% say reading reviews is a critical part of the decision-making process, while 55% of business travelers agree.

The majority of those who read reviews (63%) try to adopt a balanced approach, making sure to acknowledge both positive and negative reviews.

Accor’s research found that more than two-thirds (67%) of people who read reviews ignore those that are more than six months old, confirming the importance of recent reviews.

After staying at a hotel or resort, nearly six in ten people (57%) say they write reviews themselves for at least half of their stays. 10% of respondents do so after every stay and another 30% most of the time.

The survey also revealed that travellers from Poland are more likely to write reviews, with 95% having done so. This is followed by those from Spain (94%), Germany (85%) and France (84%), while visitors from the UK (79%) are less likely to do so.

Members of travel loyalty schemes are more likely to end their stay at a hotel or resort with a review, with 94% writing one, compared to 79% of non-members.

Meanwhile, 71% of respondents appreciate that hotels take the time to respond to reviews, as this shows that customer feedback is highly valued.

This sentiment was strongest in Spain, with 78% of respondents agreeing, and lowest in the UK, at 59%. However, 12% said they are not in favour of hotels or resorts responding to customer reviews, stating that it can seem disingenuous or just a business obligation.

Antoine Dubois, senior vice president of sponsorship, marketing, loyalty and customer experience for Accor in Europe and North Africa, said: “Guest reviews are not just a benchmark but a key decision-making tool for travellers, influencing purchasing decisions and perceptions of hotels, resorts and brands. Our guests pay a lot of attention to each other and hoteliers should also pay a lot of attention to them as part of their marketing strategies.”

“Reviews are the power of people in action and it is vital that those in the industry harness this power by taking reviews into account and continually improving them – for the benefit of our own businesses as well as our guests,” Dubois added.

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